Nucleus Studios

Lombok - NTB - Indonesia

“Core Solutions for Empowering Global Communication”

Explore our Language Services

Nucleus Studios offer a wide range of language solutions to meet your diverse needs. Whether you require translation, interpretation, rental equipment, or consultancy, our expert team is here to assist you every step of the way.

Lombok Interpreter english bahasa indonesia


  • Simultaneous Interpretation: Providing real-time interpretation for conferences, meetings, field visits and events.

  • Consecutive Interpretation: Ensuring fluid communication in settings like interviews, negotiations, and smaller group meetings.

  • Remote Simultaneous Interpretation: Offering immediate language support via telephone or video (zoom)

Our interpretation services are competitively priced. The final cost is determined by several factors, including the type of interpretation needed (simultaneous, consecutive, or RSI) and the specific language requirements. We strive to offer transparent pricing that reflects the high-quality and specialized nature of our interpretation services, ensuring that your communication needs are met with professionalism and accuracy.

Lombok Translator english bahasa indonesia


  • Document Translation: Translating a wide array of documents, including legal, medical, technical, marketing materials, etc.

  • Website Localization: Adapting websites to diverse linguistic and cultural contexts to reach global audiences effectively.

  • Multimedia Translation: Translating audiovisual content such as videos, subtitles, and voice-overs.

We provide comprehensive translation services covering a diverse range of topics in both local and international languages. Our pricing starts at IDR 80k per source page, with rates varying based on several factors including the language pair, subject matter complexity, and desired turnaround time. We ensure accuracy and quality in every translation, meeting your specific needs with professionalism and efficiency.

Lombok research assistant consultant english bahasa indonesia

Research Assistance

We specialize in providing research support services tailored to projects in West Nusa Tenggara or other regions across Indonesia. Our team of research assistants comprises scholars and practitioners who are highly proficient in various research methodologies. With their extensive experience in working at grassroots levels, our team excels in facilitating seamless community engagement, ensuring accessibility and effectiveness in all our projects.

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Meet our Team

Lombok Interpreter english bahasa indonesia

Nurul Azizah

Profession: Research Assistant / Interpreter / Translator
Education: Doctor of Linguistics, Udayana University, Indonesia
Experience: 15 Years

Lombok Interpreter english bahasa indonesia

Baiq Sri Mulya

Profession: Research Assistant / Interpreter / Translator
Education: Master in Environment and Sustainability, Monash University, Australia
Experience: 21 Years

Lombok Interpreter english bahasa indonesia

Hudi Ertanto

Profession: Interpreter / Translator
Education: Bachelor of English Education, Mataram University, Indonesia
Experience: 25 Years

Lombok translator english bahasa indonesia

Agus Haryono

Profession: Translator
Education: Bachelor of English Education, Mataram University, Indonesia
Experience: 23 Years

Lombok translator english bahasa indonesia

Fahrunnisa Hidayat

Profession: Research Assistant / Translator
Education: Master in Languages & Cultures of South East Asia, University of Hamburg, Germany
Experience: 9 Years

Lombok Interpreter english bahasa indonesia

Issyatul Mardiah

Profession: Interpreter / Translator / Tutor
Education: Master of Applied Linguistics, The Australian National University, Australia
Experience: 10 Years


Despite being a relatively young company, we pride ourselves on having a team of employees who bring a wealth of experience to the table. Each member of our team is highly skilled and knowledgeable in their respective fields, ensuring that we deliver high-quality services to our clients. Our collective experience allows us to approach challenges with confidence and find innovative solutions that meet the needs of our clients.


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Jl. Gili Layar I No 16
Mataram / Pagutan 83127
Lombok NTB